
Federated church Mitchell


A message from our pastor

What a joy to welcome you to our church. Here, you will find a loving Christian fellowship that encourages and strengthens believers by proclaiming the Good News and practicing the presence of Jesus. Our prayer is that our witness to the change Jesus has made in our lives will spill over to those who have not yet discovered His amazing grace, and they, too, will come to faith in Jesus. If you cannot attend be sure to watch the live broadcasts of our services right here on this website.

Where it all started


The Federated Church as an institution, came from a dream to a reality in April, 1917. A group of about 50 citizens of Mitchell, Nebraska, met April 17th, to proceed to organize a Congregational Church. Mr. A. L. Moon acted as chairman, and Dr. A. J. Stewart was secretary for the session.

A committee was selected to draft a constitution, and a preamble was written and headed a charter membership list. On April 22nd, 1917, this group voted unanimously to federate with the already established Christian Church. Articles of incorporation were drawn up. Reverend Walter C. Rundin was called from Crawford to become the first minister, at an annual salary of $2000. His service lasted from May 1st 1917 to 1925. Thirteen denominations were represented in this federation, (today there are 24).

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Friends Community Church offers a number of ministries that serve at the church and in the community.

Plan a Visit

We'd love for you to come and attend a service. Watch a service online and, when you're ready, join us in person!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

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